The PHSC Foundation recently received a commitment from the Roy Hardy Benevolent Fund Board for a donation of $430,000 to meet the PHSC Foundation Nursing Scholarship Challenge. The Fund would provide twenty-three annual nursing scholarships in perpetuity. Including matching recommendations from the Board, the gift could promote $860,000 in nursing scholarship funding designated to east Pasco County nursing students at PHSC.
The late Roy and Martha Hardy were local humanitarians and philanthropists whose annual fish fries and chicken dinner fundraisers generated donations for the Fund.
The PHSC Foundation thanks the Roy Hardy Benevolent Fund Board including Allen Altman, Mike Carr, Richard E. Fenton, Seth Mann, Cliff Martin, Ann H. Roberts, Mary Cay Sasser and James K. Tabb Jr. Their task to disperse the Fund's remaining proceeds will allow numerous PHSC nursing students the ability to receive their education and provide qualified and skilled professional care to the community where they live and work.